It rained really hard last night and this morning it was foggy, I could hear the fog horn in the distance and the road was flooded in front of the house. The road always floods when it rains, there isn't any where for the water to go, we have just gotten use it. The water is only a few inches deep.
Watched the weather and it was
suppose to clear and be a great day. We didn't think the painters were going to show since it rained last night. Michael got a call from Mike Kennedy the painter and he was ready to start. It was sunny and dry on the Cape. Told him where the keys and the paint were. When we took the turn to our
road we say the house and it looked great.
The guys were moving along just great and were working on the front of the house. I can't get over how nice it looks with the fresh yellow paint. Mike will put the green shutters up and do a couple of other things we need to have done.
I worked out in the garden between the house and two car garage, it's runs next to the path front to back. Were do
the weeds come from??? The white lilies in the picture are
in the garden I was
working in and are five feet tall and have a great scent.
I told Mike Kennedy he couldlet the cat out when they come in the morning, I'm sure Pumpkin Pie will love being out all day.