Monday, November 17, 2008

Husson Girls Soccer Team

This past weekend, Michael's sister Janis came down from Hampden, Maine to hang out with us. Janis's daughter, Michelle (number 22) plays soccer for Husson College,, in Bangor,Maine. Michelle and her team were in the national college soccer playoffs, playing the soccer team from William College at Williams College in Williamstown, MA. Williamstown is a town in Berkshire County, in the northwest corner of Massachusetts. It took us three and a half hours to travel from Cape Cod to the end of Massachusetts. We drove out to Williamstown on the Mass Pike. Williams College,, has a great looking campus.
The day was cloudy, windy, cold and there were snow flakes. I forgot how cold the 30's are, of course I didn't plan well in the clothing department, I found that one has to be dressed warmly and not fashionly, also I was glad the season Soccer Mom that Janis is, packed well and had plenty for us to keep warm.
The game was exciting, Husson (go Green) gave Williams a run for the title. As cold as it was the women were in shorts and t-shirts, Yikes how did they keep warm. The game was exciting and of course very fast pace they don't shut the clock off, except at mid game for a ten minute break. There are two periods , each at forty five minutes each and a ten minute break between periods.
Even though Husson lost 3 - 0, it was a great game and it was worth the cold and snow. It was also great to see Michelle since I haven't seen her for over a year.

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