Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Heavy traffic payoff

Yesterdays commute was a breeze and took only 50 minutes or less to make it to work here in Randolph. This morning we were stuck in heavy morning traffic. Doing the car crawl on Route 3, from exit 14 in Hingham, all the way till after exit 17 in Braintree, where the rotary is. As we were getting close to exit 17 I looked over to the land fill just off of Route 3, on the left, there was a huge buck at the top of the ridge and I was just stun to see him there with all the traffic below, most of it going into Boston and about a third going to Route 128 to add more cars to that morning back up. Then just to the right of him was a small herd of does with a few small one.
I've never seen anything like it where I live and to see it in Braintree, a small city just a few miles from Boston.
The camera was in the back compartment in my briefcase. I will have to keep the camera up front with me so I don't miss out on a photo opportunity again.

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